Introductory video click ‘Antemedi 1’ above. Scroll down to other videos below this. A brief explanation of duality and how it affects us – what inhibits mental and emotional telepathy… Continue reading…
Antemedi Andromedan perspectives 2
Antemedi Andromedan Perspectives 3
Antemedi Andromedan perspectives 4
Antemedi Andromedan perspectives 5
Antemedi Andromedan perspectives 6
Antemedi Andromedan perspectives 7
Antemedi Andromedan perspectives 8
Antemedi Andromedan perspective 9
Antemedi Andromedan Perspective 10
Antemedi Andromedan perspective 11
Antemedi Andromedan perspective 12
The boy the Beast and Nothingness
Andromedan spiritual perspective by Antemedi. For quite some time I have been talking much about nothing. The humour of that may not be understood until you realise I’ve been talking… Continue reading…
Antemedi Andromedan Perspective 13
Arcturian Orlacka gives an insight into time line possibilities
Antemedi Andromedan Perspective 14
Thinking and feeling in a higher Andromedan realm what’s that like? When we let go of our earthly perceptions of them can we see them how they… Continue reading…
Antemedi and Orclaca Free ebook
Free ebook with telepathic alien insights. Arcturians and Andromedans show different ways to process information in the mind. Other topics covered join up some of the missing dots. Our… Continue reading…
Antemedi in conversation with Sandi
Antemedi is questioned by Sandi 2
Antemedi is questioned by Sandi and talks about – Exceeding self – Soul is a system as well as an entity – Tooquala an Andromedan word that upgrades our God… Continue reading…
Open questions from the public
Antemedi answers open questions from the general public. Understanding seperation programs and living without earthly desires and subconscious drivers with needs to be pleased. Remarkable way of existing but truly liberating.
Transition from 3D earth body to Andromedan existence
Leavng an earth overcoat and returning to Andromedan self. What’s involved and what does it realy mean? Sandi asks deep questions about the process