September 2022

Andromedan Antemedi:
There comes a time when all things change. Great cycles within the universe. Try and feel the movement – cogs churning like some great holographic pocket watch. Time line patterns form as they will become. The complexity of changes is like a whisper on the breeze and it all fall into place quite naturally.
But what do I mean by changes?
You have all heard so much about transitions as enlightenment increases. I have spoken about the pre-existence of 5D earth and how time line memories will change. But it will be more than an uplift 3D earth will no longer exist.
There will be various transitions for current inhabitants but a mass of population will cease to exist as current self. Many will exit or die prior to the uplift others will awaken in a new reality pertinent to their vibration or what they have planned at a higher level. One moment here and one moment somewhere else with a different set of memories as if they had always been (which they have). It will be soul energy returning or moving within the greatness of soul.
Soul is multidimensional and compartmentalises some experiences – each of which gives a unique experience within a particular point of focus. Many of these like you have a ‘sense of self’ though the soul is also non-self, a system of programs and outcomes.
It is holding to this sense of self and the perspective that you are ‘a self ‘that informs you. It gives you the desire to see that self continues in some other form of ‘yourself’ after the uplift.
But that will not be the case for all. Mass extinction you might say but I would say change on a massive scale. What you are capable of hearing within your psyche colours your wishes and anticipations. Fear puts a shadow on it and trust allows it to be. The human mind still says but what is it to be for me and my dearest?
Despite the wonderful messages many bring through at this time the question remains – what does it really mean for you and your sense of self?
I have projected my consciousness into Rob and within a few short years his early death before earth transition means that he will return to me – he will become me and my memories. I will have a remembrance of earth. It will be as if he was always me which of course he always was. I am able to say this without affecting the ‘Robert self program’ and projection because that program accepts this is the way it is. My consciousness is interchangeable as he types and thinks in two realms. He accepts he is me and I him. Others have similar projections into humanity.
Many 5th dimensional consciousness’s exist on a 5D earth at present- They live there with that time line and their 3D consciousness will join and become that 5d time line.
Others will gravitate to different 3D realities where they will awaken as if they already lived there with trace memories of earth. Others will be full conscious within current self of being removed.
Yet has this assured you and your sense of self?
I said you are a system as well as self and that takes much explanation which is the purpose of a new book I am finishing. You might like to try and think about yourself in a different way. Think of yourself as a program of self – you always feel that you are yourself when in the program. However, your soul energy is constantly rotating through different expressions of itself. Your energy and awareness are constantly changing and feeding back to soul source but the program you and the energy of karmic creations remains in the dimensions it was created.
Transmutation of those energies is taking place at present (not for all) so the need to maintain a 3D earth will subside. It like you is an entity a program and a system. The energy of pulse that supports that system will be removed. The programme of 3D earth will not be energised and souls’ projections into that program will no longer exist.
You will be rotated or located into another program of soul. Self is an aspect of a separation program within you as a magnificent system. There are levels of your soul having experiences on higher dimensions that you would find quite extraordinary.
So, the answer to my poised question – has this assured you of what you will be and where you will be?
That my friend is not so much about what I have said as how you can assimilate or interpret it from your current program in self and how you hold onto the idea of self. You are an experience in a separation program. You are more than you believe yourself to be.
You are origin and non-self – source and Arkarna programs (consciousness) – multiple experiences happening in the moment of now and the sum of all. God is a projection from man’s location within the concept of self. Humanities God does not exist but you do as a system and entity we call this Tuquola.